Boek Besprekig: Platform Socialism: How to Reclaim our Digital Future from Big Tech van James Muldoon

Er is een uitvoerige bespreking in het Engels van Nika Mahnič van de London School Of Economics van het boek “Platform Socialism: How to Reclaim our Digital Future from Big Tech” van James Muldoon. Maar nog niet in het Nederlands. Je zal het boek waarschijnlijk toch in het Engels moeten lezen. Het is te koop aan de democratische prijs van £ 16.99 voor de paperback of £ 9.99 voor het e-book bij Pluto Press. Maar opgelet als je de paperback wil kopen komt er 6 euro verzendingskosten bij.

De twee eerste hoofdstukken sla ik over. Over de geldhonger van Zuckerberg en het democratisch deficit is al zo veel geschreven. Frances Haugen deed het met de interne documenten van Meta in het hand. Over het democratisch deficit van Internet schreef ik al in 2015 in Short history of the digital communication trap voor en na zo veel anderen. Die kritiek kwam in eerste instantie vanuit het oude continent met schrijvers als Geert Lovink en op de in 2011 opgestarte mailing list “unlike us critical research & alternatives in social media”. Pas later schoten ze ook wakker in de VS en het VK.

De meest bekende Amerikaanse niet marxistische analyse vind je bij Shoshana Zuboff met The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, daar is zelfs een Wikipedia pagina aan gewijd, maar haar anlyse bevat heel wat leemtes. Daarom is een analyse vanuit Marxistische hoek ook zeer nutttig. Bij het derde hoofstuk “Communty washing Big Tech” begint het interessanter te worden. Hoe Airbnb en Deliveroo zich oorspronkelijk voordeden als ‘Community’ project, maar uiteindelijk ook geld moesten opbrengen en uitbuitingsmachines werden. In die discussie speelde de Belgische Peer to Peer goeroe een weinig verkwikkelijke rol. Ik schreef een kritiek op zijn laatste boek op het scherp van de snee.

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Het begin van alles in de virtuele ruimte

Projectbeschrijving en hoe gaat het verder

1_0 Korte Geschiedenis


De eerste inspiratie voor dit project is een tekst van Paul Stubbs:

Paul Stubbs (1998) ‘Conflict and Co-Operation in the Virtual Community: eMail and the Wars of the Yugoslav Succession’, Sociological Research Online, vol. 3, no. 3, <> (PDF)


Paul Stubbs werkte samen met Zamir in Zagreb in Kroatië, de tekst is de eerste sociologische benadering van computergemedieerde communicatie in een oorlogsgebied. Ondertussen was ik systeembeheerder van KnoopPunt, partner van Zamir, beide leden van APC. Het was op dat moment moeilijk te bevatten wat er gebeurde. Het kostte Paul Stubbs ongeveer 6 jaar om een tweede analyse van Zamir te maken:

Stubbs, Paul, The ZaMir (for peace) network: from transnational social movement to Croatian NGO? // Internet Identities in Europe / Brooksbank Jones, Anny and Maire Cross (ur.).Sheffield: ESCUS, 2004. str. 70-84 (PDF).

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The dawn of everything in virtual space

Looking for solid ground

Project Description and Procedings by Daniël Verhoeven, contact

1_0 History Short


The first inspiration for this project is a text of Paul Stubbs:

Paul Stubbs (1998) ‘Conflict and Co-Operation in the Virtual Community: eMail and the Wars of the Yugoslav Succession’, Sociological Research Online, vol. 3, no. 3, <> (PDF)


Paul Stubbs worked with Zamir in Zagreb in Croatia, the text is the first sociological approach of computer mediated communication in a war zone. Meanwhile I was a system administrator of KnoopPunt, partner of Zamir, both members of APC. It was difficult to grasp what was happening at the time. It took Paul Stubbs about 6 years to produce a second analysis on Zamir:

Stubbs, Paul, The ZaMir (for peace) network: from transnational social movement to Croatian NGO? // Internet Identities in Europe / Brooksbank Jones, Anny and Maire Cross (ur.).Sheffield: ESCUS, 2004. str. 70-84 (PDF).

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Review of “Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto” of Michel Bauwens

In an unprecedented way Michel Bauwens hijacks the commons. While the commons practiced deliberative and participative democracy in the high middle ages, that weakened from the 16th century, we do not find any defense of alternatives for our faltering representative democracy in “Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto” of Michel Bauwens. No mentioning of the most recent experiments in deliberative democracy defended by David Van Reybroeck, applied in Ireland and Iceland. The “citizens’ assemblies” as proposed by Marcin Gerwin and adhered by Extinction Rebellion or “Red de Democratie” of Manu Claeys for the moderates do not figure in his picture of the future. P2P dominates his discourse.

One thing that strikes you when you start reading, is vagueness. Expressions as: “philosophers like Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas”, “approach is related to the theorization of ‘revolutionary reforms’ by Andre Gorz”, “The State (capitalized) in the Hegelian notion is the guarantor of the common good”… He also refers to some authors that excel in vagueness themselves: David Boillier, De Angelis, Hardt and Negri and Hegel of course, the philosopher of absolute idealism.

The wide spectrum of authors referenced surprises. Bauwens worked as a cybrarian, this might explain it, but there are to many extremes. Maybe the author wants to hook on as many readers as possible, a kind of eclectic universalism. Mentioning does not necessarily mean he backs the many points of view he presents, though it is suggested and for all he is not clear about it. Karl Marx for the leftist (who didn’t read him), the Dominicans Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas for the Christian community, David Graeber for the anarchists, Schumpeter for the libertarians, Jeremy Rifkin for the utopians…

When Michel Bauwens refers to valuable research he mistreats the work of the researchers, cherry picking and stretching the meaning of concepts until they become meaningless.

He summarizes his entire program in four axioms:

“1. P2P is a type of social relations in human networks, where participants have maximum freedom to connect.

2. P2P is also a technological infrastructure that makes the generalization and scaling up of such relations possible.

3. P2P thus enables a new mode of production and property.

4. P2P creates the potential for a transition to an economy that can be generative towards people and nature.” (Michel Bauwens et al., 2019, p. 1)

In the first two axioms he puts the world upside down. In what sociological, psychological or communication theory is P2P a type of “social relations” in human networks? Only in Bauwen’s brand new theory, there is no other one. P2P is just an internet protocol that can be used to exchange files and data, like email is a protocol to exchange messages, computer mediated communication. Using the P2P protocol to exchange files you do not need to have any relation with nobody, just pick a file out of the computer generated list and you have it. That is the depersonalisation effect all kind of computer mediated communication has.

In point 2. he claims that P2P is also a technological infrastructure. It is not. Without internet there would not be P2P, Internet is the technological infrastructure that makes P2P possible. So we have two points with no meaning in the real world. Since point 3. and 4. are deducted from 1. and 2. The whole theory is pointless. It is not only pointless it also useless. The far most important argument which makes the “P2P turned into commons” exercise completely irrelevant is the need for f2f communication when building commons. Bauwens claims to rely on Ostroms theory of common pool resources and collective action, he just stretches it a little by making it open access. But talking about the empirical base of collective action Ostrom says:

“A behavioral commitment to theory grounded in empirically inquiry is essential to understand such basic questions as why face-to-face communication so consistently enhances cooperation in social dilemmas or how structural variables facilitate or impede effective collective action” (Elinor Ostrom, 1998, p.1)


“Yet, consistent, strong, and replicable findings are achieved when individuals are allowed to communicate face to face.” (Id. p. 6)

So computer mediated communication does not support building commons, only f2f communication. You can not build trust by computer mediated communiction, because you can not solve ambiguity without f2f communication (Daniël Verhoeven, 2006).

Formal model for rational choice theory of collective action, proposed by Elinor Ostrom (Elinor Ostrom, 1998, p. 15),.Copyright American Political Science Review, Copy for educational purposes only.

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Short history of the digital communication trap

Originally posted on commonworks

The invention of internet has been compared with Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press, turning the world upside down. But this comparison doesn’t take account of the context. The social economic context is an issue of main importance and influence. Internet’s unholy marriage to Capitalism in the nineties was a decisive turning point and it still shapes the internet today. Companies like Google, Facebook and Apple are bigger then some small states. The rate and degree of monopolization in this area is exceptional. Those who expected that internet would become a forum for democracy underestimated the resilience of the capitalist system. Today social bots mislead millions of people, political propaganda uses micro targeting to win elections. When leaving communication to machines we might completely loose all empathy, though empathy is one of the most important capacities that made humanity.

Un-inventing the printing press

Printing co-evolved on different places at different times. Woodblock printing originated in China 220 yrs before Christ. The world’s first movable type printing press technology was also developed in China by the Han Chinese printer Bi Sheng between the years 1041 and 1048. Though it didn’t become common as block printing did.

One wonders why the Chinese movable type printing press was not spread in China while it did in Europe. An explanation often offered is the large number of Chinese characters. But this is only half of the story. In the middle ages and before, the art of writing was practised by a class of clerks not being eager to render their knowledge and privileges. In fact also in Europe written language was mainly done in abbeys by monks [1] copying texts. But, the inventor of the printing press Johannes Gutenberg was not a monk, he was a craftsman. Having worked as a professional goldsmith, Gutenberg made skilful use of his knowledge of metals.

Guild signs of city of Ghent, Belgium

Guild signs of craftsmen in city of Ghent, Belgium

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Edward Snowden interview and the works of Laura Poitras

Virtual interview with Edward Snowden on 11/10/2014

Some quotes:

“When you say, ‘I have nothing to hide,’ you’re saying, ‘I don’t care about this right.’ You’re saying, ‘I don’t have this right, because I’ve got to the point where I have to justify it.’ The way rights work is, the government has to justify its intrusion into your rights.”

According to Edward Snowden, people who care about their privacy should stay away from popular consumer Internet services like Dropbox, Facebook, and Google.

“We’re talking about encryption. We’re talking about dropping programs that are hostile to privacy. For example, SpiderOak? Get rid of Dropbox, it doesn’t support encryption, it doesn’t protect your private files. And use competitors like SpiderOak, that do the same exact service but they protect the content of what you’re sharing.”

About the government:

“We can have secret programs. You know, the American people don’t have to know the name of every individual that’s under investigation. We don’t need to know the technical details of absolutely every program in the intelligence community. But we do have to know the bare and broad outlines of the powers our government is claiming … and how they affect us and how they affect our relationships overseas. Because if we don’t, we are no longer citizens, we no longer have leaders. We’re subjects, and we have rulers.”

The works of Laura Poitras

Trailer of Citizenfour: Edward Snowden Documentary

You will find the other documantaries of Laura Poitras here

Over het Internet Ungovernance Forum in Istanbul

Auteur: Datapanik

Oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd op Permanent Ongecontroleerde Zones

“In an ideal world, governments would respect the free speech rights of their citizens enough to not filter their Internet communications. Sadly, we do not yet live in that world. Perhaps in time, governments will realize that the serious cybersecurity and foreign-surveillance threats posed by censorship equipment outweigh whatever supposed benefits of national stability and control that they bring.” – Edward Snowden in zijn tekst voor het Internet Ungovernance Forum


Van 2 tot 5 september vond in Istanbul het negende Internet Governance Forum (IGF) plaats. Plaats voor kritische stemmen was echter niet voorzien. Reden genoeg voor die critici om een paralelle event te organiseren, het Internet Ungovernance Forum (IUF). Op die agenda was wél plaats voor topics als censuur, surveillance, netneutraliteit en een voor iedereen toegankelijk internet.

EDRi-lid en co-organisator van het IUF Alternative Informatics Association zorgde voor een kort verslag. Maar hieronder nemen we een uitgebreider verslag over dat oorspronkelijk in het Engels verscheen op de blog van Reële Democratie Nu! – Gent.

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On the Internet Ungovernance Forum 4-5 september in Istanbul

Author: Daniël Verhoeven


Origin of the forum


For the first time since its establishment in 2006 the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) of ICANN [1] is paralleled with a protest forum, the Internet Ungovernance Forum.

Internet protests all over the world until now were addressed against national states and international organizations wanting to limit internet freedom and net neutrality or against those state and non-state services breaching privacy on the net, but this time a critique is formulated against the Internet governance itself by the Internet Ungovernance Forum. The announcement stated:

“We see that at IGF the most urgent problems of the Internet do not get the right attention. Due to the “multi-stakeholderism” format, the main perpetrators of many of the Internet’s problems, governments and corporations, are getting representation in IGF they don’t deserve. Given these circumstances, we decided to take initiative to defend the Internet as we know it and to create a space to raise the voices of civil society initiatives, activists and common people.”


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